SB 366: A necessary statewide target for water supply

California’s climate policies stand out for their audacious ambition and goal-setting orientation. You have probably heard about California’s plans to limit new car sales to zero-emission vehicles by 2035, or to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. In April, Governor Newsom announced 81 new targets – themselves direct descendants of the 2045 carbon neutrality target – an effort to focus resources to help California’s lands absorb more carbon emissions. Over and over again,targets and timelines are utilized to create clear and quantifiable ways to direct policy and resources to measure progress, to clean our air and fortify our natural lands.

But, disappointingly, not to sustain our water supply. Unlike climate change, no statewide goal or target exists for a sustainable, clean water supply in California, to ensure service to our residents, businesses, and the environment.

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