An Important Update From Senator Anna M. Caballero
An Important Update From Senator Anna M. Caballero |
Hello Neighbor,
2023 has gotten off to a rough start. I know many people have been impacted by the recent floods, and I wanted to share resources available in your area that can help. Thank you to Lowe’s Home Improvement, Pepsi and Walgreens for partnering with me to provide COVID test kits, water, and supplies to aid in the clean-up efforts in Planada.
I have seen businesses and neighbors-- some who also suffered loss, step up and help to provide warm meals, clothes and blankets. This speaks to the resiliency of the community that I am honored to represent.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact my office at: (209) 726-5495 or (831) 769-8084
Hola vecino,
2023 ha tenido un comienzo difícil. Sé que muchas personas se han visto afectadas por las inundaciones recientes y quería compartir los recursos disponibles en su área que pueden ayudar. La Declaración Presidencial de Desastre Mayor ayudará a los residentes y propietarios de negocios afectados por las inundaciones a ser elegibles para los programas de asistencia pública y brindará el apoyo que tanto necesitan mientras trabajan para recuperarse de la devastación. Mi oficina está trabajando con agencias de todo el distrito para ayudar con los esfuerzos de reconstrucción.
Gracias a Lowe's Home Improvement, Pepsi y Walgreens por asociarse conmigo para proporcionar kits de prueba de COVID, agua y suministros para ayudar en los esfuerzos de limpieza en Planada.
He visto negocios y vecinos, algunos que también sufrieron pérdidas, ayudar a proporcionar comidas calientes, ropa y cobijas. Esto habla de la resiliencia de la comunidad que tengo el honor de representar.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con mi oficina al: (209) 726-5495 o (831) 769-8084
In Service,
Senator Anna Caballero
State Senator, 14th Senate District
Monterey County |
- Visit the Monterey County Office of Emergency Services Website for updates on local resources.
- Check out Monterey County's 2023 Storm Webpage for information and resources related to the current winter storms and a searchable evacuation map.
- Visite la página web sobre tormentas del Condado de Monterey 2023 para obtener información y recursos relacionados con las tormentas invernales actuales y un mapa de evacuación con función de búsqueda.
- Sign up at www.ALERTMONTEREYCOUNTY.ORG to get urgent emergency information, including evacuations of buildings and neighborhoods, severe weather and road closures. Visit www.ALERTMONTEREYCOUNTY.ORG now and sign up to get emergency time-sensitive alerts on your phone, email or text message.
- On Saturday, January 21, 2023, the California Office of Emergency Services will establish a Disaster Recovery Center to assist those impacted by the January storms in Monterey County. EDD’s staff will be onsite to provide information and assist individuals with their Unemployment Insurance and State Disability Insurance claims. The location and hours of the Disaster Recovery Center are as follows:
Spreckels Veteran’s Memorial Building
90 Fifth Street
Spreckels, CA 93962
January 21, 2023 – January 26, 2023
9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
The Governor has issued a State of Emergency proclamation for the January storms. This means that employers directly impacted have a 60-day extension to file state payroll reports and deposit state payroll taxes without penalty or interest.
San Benito County |
- For updates from San Benito County visit:
- In light of current flooding disaster in the County, the Community Foundation for San Benito County has opened a Disaster Recovery Fund to aid community members experiencing hardships related to the storm conditions and flooding. For more information, call the Foundation at 831-630-1924
- Has your residence or business sustained storm damage?
Please email
Merced County |
- For general information on flooding resources and information visit:
- The California Fire Foundation has a table at the Merced Co. Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) this week where we are distributing our disaster relief cash cards to individuals impacted by the recent storms and subsequent flooding. Area residents who have sustained 25% or more loss to their primary residence – or – who have been evacuated/displaced from their primary residence for more than 48 hours may receive a $250 cash card to purchase necessities, such as food, gas, temporary lodging, medication. This relief distribution effort is part of the California Fire Foundation’s pledge of up to $1 million in direct support for those individuals and communities suffering from the latest back-to-back storms.
- A Disaster Recovery Center has opened in Merced County, where residents who were affected by the severe storms and flooding can update FEMA applications and learn about state and local programs and other available assistance.
The Disaster Recovery Center is located at:
Merced County Fairgrounds, Yosemite Building 900
Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Merced, CA 95341
Hours of operation: 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily
Visite, use la aplicación móvil de FEMA o llame a la Línea de Ayuda de FEMA al 800-621-3362. Si usa servicio de retransmisión de video (VRS, por sus siglas en inglés), servicio de teléfono con subtítulos u otros servicios, proporciónele a FEMA el número para ese servicio. Los operadores de la Línea de Ayuda están disponibles todos los días de 7 a.m. a 11 p.m. Marque 2 para español. Marque 3 para comunicarse con un intérprete que hable su idioma. Para ver un video accesible sobre cómo solicitar, visite
El centro en el condado Merced se encuentra en:
Merced County Fairgrounds, Yosemite Building
900 Martin Luther King Jr. Way
Merced, CA 95341
Horario: Todos los días, de 7 a.m. a 7 p.m.
Go to, use the FEMA mobile app or call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. If you use video relay service (VRS), captioned telephone service or others, give FEMA the number for that service. Helpline operators are available from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily. Press 2 for Spanish. Press 3 for an interpreter who speaks your language. For an accessible video on how to apply, got to
Un Centro de Recuperación por Desastre inició operaciones en el condado de Merced; allí, los residentes afectados por las tormentas severas e inundaciones pueden actualizar sus solicitudes de asistencia de la Agencia Federal para el Manejo de Emergencias (FEMA, por sus siglas en inglés) e informarse sobre programas estales y comunitarios, así como otra asistencia disponible.
Madera County |
- For flooding resources and information visit:
- Pay attention to official weather forecasts.
U.S. National Weather Service (NWS) - One of the most important steps you can take in preparing for hazards is to sign up for emergency alerts from MCALERT:
Go to to sign up for emergency alerts for your location
Text your zip code to 888777 to sign up for alerts in your town
Emergency alerts are targeted to your location, and are a valuable tool officials use to communicate during critical incidents including natural disasters or hazards.
Fresno County |
- The Fresno County Office of Emergency Services (OES) is located within the Department of Public Health and coordinates planning, preparedness, response and recovery efforts for disasters occurring within the unincorporated area of the County. You can visit them here for resources in your area:
- If you need assistance with damage from the flooding call: 1-800-965-1386 or visit