Sen. Caballero’s YLP 2024
Hello Neighbor,
Every year, my office hosts the Young Legislators Program (YLP) for local students in 9th-12th grade. This summer program introduces students to the workings of government and strives to build a strong foundation for youth who want to get involved in the leadership of their community.
Students learn the aspects of legislation and community-issue awareness through seminars and a trip to the California State Capitol. The program, designed to spark interest in young adults, creates an opportunity for civic engagement in the democratic process.
In 2024, students in the program heard directly from local representatives, including members of Congress and state and local elected officials and gained valuable insights into what it means to be a public servant.
Please use this link to visit my webpage dedicated to our program and to view video and photos of our students in action.
We are fortunate to have such talented, smart and thoughtful young people in our community who want to work together for a brighter future. I think one of our participants said it best, “If put together, great minds can make an impact.” – Breanna Rincon, Dos Palos High School, Resident of the City of Dos Palos
In Service,
Senator Anna Caballero
State Senator, 14th Senate District