Senator Anna M. Caballero’s Statement on Merced County Board of Supervisors Vote to Approve 2023 Winter Flood Relief Program
For Immediate Release
Contact: Elisa Rivera
Elisa.Rivera@sen.ca.gov (559) 264-3070
Senator Anna M. Caballero’s Statement on Merced County Board of Supervisors Vote to Approve 2023 Winter Flood Relief Program
“Devastating floods hit Planada exactly one year ago to the day and today residents have a plan of action. I was able to move quickly with my colleague, Assemblymember Soria to secure $20 million in relief through the budget. After extensive input from the community and community-led organizations, the County Board of Supervisors has approved a program to use the funds to provide direct assistance for vehicle replacement, to fix infrastructure, provide business assistance and assist with home repairs and property replacement.
I would like to thank County staff, who in short order developed a plan that prioritizes the health, safety and well-being of residents, removes barriers to funds and provides tenant protections, application assistance and other thoughtful tools to help those flooded.
The Story of Planada is one of resiliency. Community members stepped up to help one another to ensure that their neighbors were safe. Though it is impossible to measure this level of loss, or replace it all, it is my hope that residents, especially those who were not qualified for other financial assistance programs, will have the relief that they need.”
“Hace exactamente un año, inundaciones devastadoras azotaron Planada y hoy los residentes tienen un plan de acción. Pude actuar rápidamente con mi colega, la asambleísta Soria, para asegurar $20 millones en ayuda a través del presupuesto. Después de un amplio aporte de la comunidad y de las organizaciones lideradas por la comunidad, la Junta de Supervisores del Condado aprobó un programa para usar los fondos para brindar asistencia directa para el reemplazo de vehículos, reparar infraestructura, brindar asistencia comercial y ayudar con reparaciones de viviendas y reemplazo de propiedades.
Me gustaría agradecer al personal del condado, que en poco tiempo desarrolló un plan que prioriza la salud, la seguridad y el bienestar de los residentes, elimina las barreras a los fondos y brinda protección a los inquilinos, asistencia con las solicitudes y otras herramientas para ayudar a los inundados.
La historia de Planada es de resistencia. Los miembros de la comunidad se ayudaron unos a otros para garantizar que sus vecinos estuvieran seguros. Aunque es imposible medir este nivel de pérdida o reemplazarlo todo, tengo la esperanza de que los residentes, especialmente aquellos que no calificaron para otros programas de asistencia financiera, tengan el alivio que necesitan”.
For interviews or inquiries, please contact: Elisa Rivera at (559) 264-3070
Senator Anna M. Caballero represents the 14th Senate District, composed of majority portions of Merced, Fresno and Madera Counties.
* Senator Anna M. Caballero serves as the Interim Representative for the Salinas Valley and San Benito County until 2024 when a newly elected Senator will assume the district