Sacramento Bee: California’s ‘Suzie’s Law’ would stop abusers using survivors’ history against them | Opinion
Call it Suzie’s Law. Currently known as Senate Bill 1386, by Sen. Anna Caballero, D-Merced, the bill would strengthen California’s historic “Rape Shield Law” and protect the privacy of survivors by prohibiting courtroom probes into their sexual histories in an attempt to discredit them.
...“I know what it’s like to go into a courtroom and talk to juries, and try to get the average, everyday person to understand how the legal system works,” said Sen. Caballero, who attended UCLA Law School and previously served as an attorney for California Rural Legal Assistance. “The court made (its) decision based on the code section as it was written, and I thought that it was very cruel,” she said. “It flew in the face of our Rape Shield Law that has been on the books for a very long time.”...
Read the full article here: https://www.sacbee.com/opinion/article291628215.html