Senator Anna M. Caballero Secures Funds for First Community Park in Santa Nella
For Immediate Release
Contact: Elisa Rivera
(559) 264-3070 Elisa.Rivera@sen.ca.gov
Senator Anna M. Caballero Secures Funds for First Community Park in Santa Nella
Funds secured through the state budget and earmarked for projects identified as high-priority
SACRAMENTO: Senator Anna M. Caballero (D-Merced) announced today that she will present the Merced County community of Santa Nella with a check for $310,000 to assist in the construction of the first and only park for residents.
The lack of a community park in the neighborhood is detrimental to the health and wellbeing of residents. Local parks serve as gathering places for families, social groups and individuals from all walks of life. The idea to assist in the construction of a community park came from activism of youth and community leaders and members from Santa Nella who met with Senator Caballero a number of times via zoom and expressed their interest and need for a park.
Funds will support site grading, preparation and utility installation and is a collaborative effort between Senator Caballero, residents of Santa Nella and the County of Merced.
“Every voice matters. Through the advocacy of the youth in Santa Nella, I learned that residents had no park to enjoy with friends and family. I met with community members several times via zoom and it was made clear that this was a big need. Today’s check presentation is a celebration of the interest and activism of youth in Santa Nella. I am proud of them and happy to be able to work in partnership with them to secure funding for this long awaited park. ” –Senator Anna Caballero, Senate District 14
“We are very grateful for the Senator’s efforts to obtain funds for a park in Santa Nella. We feel happy and very excited, because at last we can see so many hours of meetings in which we participated…were not wasted, they were hours invested and they are starting to give fruit. We want to give our deepest thanks to Senator Caballero and to all those who have been part of this effort and wonderful achievement that begins today.” – Gabriela Salcido, Santa Nella Community Leader
The Senator’s itinerary is as follows:
Tuesday November 21, 2023 1:00-2:00 PM
- Senator Anna Caballero
- Merced County Supervisor, Board Chair Scott Silveira
- County CEO, Raul Mendez
- Santa Nella MAC Member, Patricia Ramos
- Santa Nella Community Leader, Gabriela Salcido
- Assistant CEO, Marci Barrera
- Assistant CEO, Mark Hendrickson
Project Site: Corner of Vera Cruz Dr. and Luis Ave., Santa Nella CA 95322
Senator Caballero will present the community of Santa Nella with a ceremonial check in the amount 0f $310,000 to assist in the construction of the first community park in the community.
For interviews or inquiries, please contact: Elisa Rivera at (559) 264-3070
Senator Anna M. Caballero represents the 14th Senate District, composed of majority portions of Merced, Fresno and Madera Counties.
* Senator Anna M. Caballero serves as the Interim Representative for the Salinas Valley and San Benito County until 2024 when a newly elected Senator will assume the district