Senator Anna M. Caballero Announces the Passage and Signing of SB 24, “Calley’s Law.”
Sacramento: Senator Anna M. Caballero (D-Salinas) announced that Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 24, “Calley’s Law,” into law.
The bill will edit the domestic violence restraining order form to include a protection for selection by a judge, restricting a child’s medical, school and dental information from an abusive parent. This bill also requires organizations that care for or provide services to children, such as schools, daycares, and medical offices, to develop protocols on how to accurately comply with a domestic violence restraining order when they receive one from a parent.
The impetus for Senate Bill 24 was a tragic event which took place in Senate District 12 just over a year ago. Calley, a young mother of three, was murdered on July 14th 2020 by her estranged husband after he learned about her medical appointment. With SB 24, the option for protection of medical, school and dental information of a couple’s shared children will be clearer to survivors of domestic violence, as well as the organizations they give copies to for compliance.
“We know that nothing will bring Calley back,” said Senator Anna Caballero. “It is my hope, however, that through her, we can prevent this sort of tragedy from ever happening again. With the help of family and friends, Calley had the courage to leave her abuser and chose a better path for herself and her three children. The passage of her law almost a year to the day of her murder has been bittersweet. I will continue to keep Calley’s loved ones in my thoughts and I thank Governor Newsom for signing this important piece of legislation.”
Sarah Rodriguez, Calley’s cousin had this to say about the passage of SB 24. “We are so grateful to Senator Caballero and her staff for all of the work and time that has been put into passing Calley’s Law SB24. We are praying for change. We need to do everything possible SB24 is an additional measure to keep victims safe and their location protected. This world lost an amazing, kind and loving soul the day Calley Jean was murdered, but because of her, change will happen and lives will be saved!”
David Riviere, Chowchilla City, Chief of Police offered this heartfelt message, “Calley was my daughter’s friend throughout school, so this hit home. Calley reached out for help, and we were able to get her out of the house and into a safe place. Unfortunately, a mistake was made that will forever change lives. For victims of domestic violence, trust is an issue, and when things like this happen, it makes it more difficult to get help. I would like to thank Senator Caballero as well as Governor Newsom for trying to protect victims of domestic violence. It is my hopes that this will prevent the tragedy that happened to Calley and her boys from happening to another victim trying to leave an abuser.”
Esther Franco, Executive Director of Fresno Council on Child Abuse Prevention – FCCAP shared a quote by Dr. Bruce Perry, “The tragic reality of children growing up in domestic violence is that they end up with mental health problems at a rate higher than children who are actually the direct victims of physical abuse. Children exposed to domestic…literally are experiencing a state of fear and when this happens…it changes the brains of these children.”
Rick Beatty, President of the Alessandra Advocacy group, and a father who also lost his daughter to domestic violence had this to say, “The Alessandra Advocacy Group is honored to have offered its support to the passage of SB24 “Calley’s Law.” It provides critical protections for the innocents in our society. We stand with all those suffering from the effects of these horrific acts of Domestic Violence and are grateful for strong advocates like Senator Caballero and Senator Rubio.”
Beth Byrd of Five Stones Open Door wrote, "We rise to fight, not aimlessly swinging into the air with overwhelming emotion, but with determination, we write, we structure, we present, and we pass Calley's legacy; an underground passage of safety for those who dare to flee and travel on it as she did. Calley's life will have value because of the determination of everyone to see it through. God Bless.”
For interviews or inquiries, please contact Elisa Rivera at (209) 726-5495
Senator Anna M. Caballero represents the 12th Senate District, composed of the Salinas Valley, Merced and San Benito Counties, and portions of Fresno, Madera and Stanislaus Counties.