Senator Anna M. Caballero Announces Bill Package to Tackle the Rise in Homelessness among Aging Californians
For Immediate Release
Contact: Elisa Rivera
(209) 726-5495 Elisa.Rivera@sen.ca.gov
Senator Anna M. Caballero Announces Bill Package to Tackle the Rise in Homelessness among Aging Californians
Sacramento: Senator Anna M. Caballero (D-Merced) announced today that she has introduced a series of bills to address the rise in homelessness among California’s senior aging population.
“California seniors are at great risk because of the rapid rise of the costs of housing. Most have worked their entire lives; find it difficult to manage a budget on a limited income. Seniors are estimated to be the fastest-growing group in our nation experiencing homelessness and shelters become de facto nursing homes without the special services that seniors need. This is unconscionable and needs to be a priority in the state of California.”–Senator Anna Caballero
Senate Bill 17: Senior Housing Production Act of 2023
SB 17 will revise the requirements of the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee’s Low-Income Housing Tax Credit to ensure that a minimum percentage of the credits allocated are for senior housing projects using census demographic data.
"The staggering and growing number of older adults experiencing homelessness is a direct reflection of California’s lack of affordable senior housing options," said Jeannee Parker Martin, President and CEO, LeadingAge California. "We thank Senator Caballero for her leadership in this space. Senate Bill 17 will ensure that senior housing production increases in-step with the growing size of our older adult population."
Senate Bill 37: Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities Housing Stability Act of 2023
SB 37 creates a rent subsidy program for low-income older adults and adults with disabilities who are homeless or at risk of experiencing homelessness.
“Homelessness among older Californians is increasing dramatically right now, and for many people over the age of 55, they are experiencing homelessness for the first time. Decades of unfair housing policies and discrimination puts Black older adults at much greater risk of becoming homeless than white older adults. We should not wait for our seniors to become homeless to help them. Providing rental assistance is a proven, cost-effective and more humane way to prevent homelessness.” -Kevin Prindiville of Justice in Aging
“Older adults and people with disabilities across California are losing their stable housing at alarming rates. SB 37 offers a dignified, proven, and cost-effective solution to helping many of them maintain stability—we should move faster to stop this issue from growing by supporting effective legislation.” -Carter Hewgley, Director of Homeless Initiatives, United Way of Greater L.A.
Senate Bill 657: Geriatric Training for Homeless Service Providers
SB 657 will require the Interagency Council on Homelessness and regional Continuums of Care (COC’s) to create and provide geriatric training to their homeless service staff.
“Older adults are experiencing homelessness in greater numbers, many for the first time. Homeless shelter and prevention services staff are an important component of the success of addressing California’s homeless crisis, yet the majority of the supportive staff are not trained in the issues and concerns of older adults. Staff training on older adult issues, how to access an individual’s independence to manage daily living activities, and knowledge of regional services and resources is needed to better assist a more vulnerable population experiencing homelessness. Such training can be provided by regional collaboration between the Area Agencies on Aging, local experts on older adults, and the Continuum of Cares, tasked to direct regional efforts to prevent and end homelessness in California.” –Assembly Member Susan Mallet, California Senior Legislature
For interviews or inquiries, please contact Elisa Rivera at (209) 726-5495
Senator Anna M. Caballero represents the 14th Senate District, composed of majority portions of Merced, Fresno and Madera Counties.
* Senator Anna M. Caballero serves as the Interim Representative for the Salinas Valley and San Benito County until 2024 when a newly elected Senator will assume the district