Sen. Caballero’s April Newsletter
A Note from Anna
Hello Neighbor,
Spring has sprung and I love the beautiful trees and flowers in bloom; green grass and other signs that the long winter months have ended. At the Capitol, we have entered the 2024 legislative session and this year, I have introduced a legislative agenda to support working families and seniors. My legislation would increase senior housing production, protect survivors of sexual assault, create a viable water plan that better equips California to manage drought and climate change, set the highest global emission standard in the world for hydrogen fuel, greatly expand hydrogen production and produce high-wage jobs. With your help, we can get this done!
As always, it is a pleasure to serve the residents and families in my district. If you need help contacting a state agency, please call the district office nearest to you where staff is ready to assist.
In Service,
Senator Anna Caballero
State Senator, 14th Senate District
Diverse bill package authored to improve the lives of constituents in Senate District 14 and families throughout California
2024 Bill Package:
SB 37 Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities Housing Stability Act:
Provides a rent subsidy for older adults and adults with disabilities who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness. The bill will establish a pilot program to administer competitive grants to nonprofit organizations, continuums of care, and other organizations. Grantees will be selected with the resources, expertise, and cultural specificity to provide assistance.
SB 225 Community Anti-displacement and Preservation Program (CAPP):
Creates CAPP, which creates the framework and technical assistance program within The Housing and Community Development Department to assist with the acquisition and rehabilitation of market rate units and conversion to deed-restricted affordable rental units.
SB 366 California Water for All:
Revises and recasts the California Water Plan, updating its provisions in order to identify infrastructure and regional planning needed to address the extreme climate impacts of the 21st century.
SB 632 Candidate Statements:
Candidates that run in an election that covers more than one county, may submit their candidate statement for approval to the Secretary of State. Once approved, that candidate statement may be shared with all county elections offices.
SB 768 Vehicle Miles Traveled Study:
This bill will require the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to conduct a study to determine how vehicle miles traveled is used as a metric to measure transportation impacts from housing production.
SB 785 Ticket Sales Consumer Protections:
Enacts reforms that places consumers and entertainers first by: Imposing ticket price transparency and full fee disclosures on all ticket sellers. Ends the outrageous practice of speculative ticketing by imposing easily enforceable rules to reduce consumer price gouging and penalizes ticket sellers and platforms who list speculative tickets. Establishes penalties for deceptive URLs to lure consumers into buying tickets at inflated prices. Establishes serious penalties for employing bots that allow professional scalpers to hoard tickets.
SB 1123 Small Lot Homeownership Production:
This bill will provide technical clean-up to create an administrative pathway to build, for sale small housing units on infill parcels.
SB 1140 Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD) and Climate Resiliency District (CRD) Streamlining:
The current process to form an EIFD, or a CRD to use tax-increment financing, is cumbersome and costly, taking up to a year to complete. This bill reforms EIFD and CRD law to streamline formation process and expand the types of projects these tools can finance.
SB 1303 Third Party Labor Law Verifiers on Public Works Contracts:
This proposal would define oversight on third party verifiers contracted by local governments to ensure compliance with state labor code. This is a bill to ensure workers on public works projects are protected.
SB 1386 Sexual Assault Evidence:
This bill clarifies that Rape Shield Laws bar the admission of the plaintiff’s history of sexual conduct (either consensual or non-consensual) as evidence to prove consent or an “absence of damages”.
SB 1390 Flood Diversion and Groundwater Recharge:
This bill builds upon the progress made in the past year to capture atmospheric water and permit the diversion of excess flood flows for groundwater recharge. It clarifies when these flows may be captured for the benefit of aquifers, what planning requirements are necessary for local agencies pursuing recharge and an expansion of the reporting requirements for diversions made under existing law.
SB 1420 Clean, Renewable Hydrogen:
This bill requires the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to adopt renewable hydrogen standards for the production and sale of hydrogen. Adds renewable hydrogen to the types of renewable energy for the RPS program, and removes the exclusion for hydrogen and biomass administrative record and judicial review. Allows hydrogen and biomass facilities to be certified as environmental leadership development projects.
SB 1432 Seismic Relief:
This bill will extend the timeline for hospitals to meet the 2030 seismic requirements and require new plans to ensure patient continuity is intact and new reporting requirements to enhance transparency and accountability.
SB 1481 Claims against the state:
This bill will serve as the annual appropriation for claims made against the state. The bill is currently in a spot format as those claims have not yet been determined.
When it comes to women who are blazing trails, making a difference and serving their communities, Senate District 14 has the best of the best. This year, in honor of Women’s History Month, it was my honor to recognize a few of the women in my district and publicly acknowledge their work. I hope that you are as inspired as I am by their stories and that you take a moment to reflect on the women in your life that have made a difference.
This year, it is an honor to serve as Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee. We had a great first meeting with the Senate Appropriations Committee staff and my staff in Sacramento. Together, we will evaluate hundreds of Senate and Assembly bills to ensure that California is investing resources where needed most.
Meet Gianna Setoudeh, our new Senior Legislative Aide at our Capitol office. Gianna is a native Sacramento resident and spent nearly 10 years in advocacy before choosing public service. She has extensive experience working in water, local government and natural resources issues. She also makes really good cookies!
St. Patrick’s Day festivities at the Capitol!
The Special Olympics, Northern California promotes inclusion and empowers children and adults with intellectual disabilities – both on and off the field. It was a pleasure to welcome them to my office and to meet Athlete Leader, Teralyn. Thanks for stopping by!
Hosted by the California Arts Council, the Poetry Out Loud competition state finals were held in Sacramento. This event highlights emerging young voices found across our Golden State. California’s Poetry Out Loud competition is the largest in the country with 18,849 students from 221 schools participating.
Pictured: Megan Current from Hollister High school, Starr Schwartz from Merced Scholars Charter, and Anixia Davila from Gonzalez High school.
Proud to join Senators Grove and Rubio as a joint author of Senate Bill 1414. We need SB 1414 to protect vulnerable children and youth from exploitation and coercion and to put a stop to heinous crimes against children.
Great to see my good friend, Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass who visited the Senate floor. I appreciate her commitment to good public policy and her service to California residents and families.
Bittersweet celebration to say, Farewell,” to Jennifer Hidalgo. Jennifer has been with my office for five years and has provided constituents with compassionate support through a pandemic, an uneven economy and the closure of a hospital. We are proud of Jennifer’s many accomplishments and look forward to her continued success in her new role.
Jennifer is also a talented artist. The next time that you visit my Fresno District Office, be sure to check out the one-of-a-kind mural that she painted for us to enjoy. This mural represents the diversity of the Central Valley and the bounty of produce that surrounds us.
We joined Interact Rotary at King City High School. Interact Clubs bring students together ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills.
NAACP and Merced Historical Museum event to highlight African American Firefighters.
Arturo and Diana attended an event at Merced College with special guest, California Agricultural Secretary, Karen Ross.
Parlier Unified School District hosted their annual Showcase Event featuring over 100 community partners and organizations to provide helpful resources to community members.
Career Technology Education Month at Atwater High School. Teachers Corinna Figueiredo and Sukhraj Mehat received Senate Certificates of Recognition.
Loaves, Fishes & Computers (LFC) celebrated their 15th anniversary at its new location! Since 2009, LFC has worked with the Central Coast to bridge the digital divide by providing low-cost and free computers, technical assistance and repair and digital literacy classes to low-income families, individuals, seniors, and veterans.
Ribbon Cutting for the new Ram Field at Fresno City College. The girls’ softball team will now have a state of the art sports facility to call home.