Senator Anna Caballero's Summer Newsletter
A Note from Anna
Hello Neighbor,
There is hot and then there is HOT! This summer is even hotter than usual with many consecutive days of extreme heat warnings. Summer heat waves can be dangerous, especially for young children, older adults, people with chronic diseases and disabilities, outdoor workers, people who are unhoused and those who are pregnant. I want to encourage everyone to stay hydrated and indoors if possible. Please, check on your elderly neighbors, family and friends, and take extra precautions to keep your pets safe.
For tips and resources, please click here.
As always, it is a pleasure to serve the residents and families in my district. If you need help contacting a state agency, please call the district office nearest to you where staff is ready to assist.
In Service,
Senator Anna Caballero
State Senator, 14th Senate District
Diverse bill package authored to improve the lives of residents in Senate District 14 and families throughout California
2024 Bill Package Updates:
SB 37 Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities Housing Stability Act:
SB 37 will establish the Older Adults and Adults with Disabilities Housing Stability Act of 2023 (OAADHSA), administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The program will provide housing subsidies to older adults and adults with disabilities who are either experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
SB 225 Community Anti-displacement and Preservation Program (CAPP):
Creates the Community Anti-Displacement and Preservation Program (CAPP) to prevent displacement and homelessness by financing the acquisition of currently unsubsidized rental housing and preserving it as affordable, while stabilizing current residents.
SB 366 California Water for All:
SB 366 would revise and recast the California Water Plan statute, updating its provisions to address the extreme climate impacts of the 21st century. As part of this modernization, the bill would require the Department of Water Resources to establish long-term water supply targets for the State to achieve and would require state agencies to develop a plan in consultation with local water agencies, wastewater service providers, irrigation districts, and other stakeholders.
SB 632 Red Rock Canyon State Park off-Highway Vehicles (OHV) Pilot Program:
Authorizes the State Parks Department to establish a pilot project at Red Rock Canyon State Park, to provide access from OHV recreation areas within the park.
SB 768 Vehicle Miles Traveled Study:
Tasks the Transportation Agency with conducting a study of the implementation and impact of vehicle miles traveled (VMT), a CEQA traffic analysis for new construction. This analysis will help the state to understand how well the VMT metric is working and any differential impacts between urban, suburban, and rural communities.
SB 785 Ticket Sales Consumer Protections:
Protects consumers, artists and teams and regulates the scalping that currently plagues the ticketing entertainment industry. Specifically, this bill will enact reforms that put consumers and entertainers/artists first by:
(1) Ending the outrageous practice of speculative ticketing sales by reducing consumer price gouging and penalizing ticket sellers and platforms who list tickets they do not have in their possession.
(2) Establishing penalties for the use of deceptive URLs to lure consumers into buying tickets at inflated prices.
(3) Establishing penalties for employing bots that allow professional scalpers to hoard tickets and engage in large-scale scalping, depriving consumers of access to face value tickets.
SB 1123 Small Lot Homeownership Production:
This bill expands small projects which can get ministerial approval to build to include projects of no more than 10 units on a vacant parcel zoned for single-family residential development and includes important guardrails for these projects, including that local governments may impose the same height requirements for the surrounding community.
SB 1134 Surplus Land Act:
Last year, numerous legislators worked together to improve the Surplus Land Act (SLA), to ensure that local governments and housing organizations have the clarity and tools they need to further affordable housing development. SB 1134 continues this work by requiring the Department of Housing and Community Development to follow the Administrative Procedures Act when promulgating SLA guidelines. This will ensure that the guidelines implement changes to the Surplus Land Act as intended by the Legislature.
SB 1140 Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD) and Climate Resiliency District (CRD) Streamlining:
Makes numerous changes to enhanced infrastructure financing district (EIFD) law and specifies that an eligible project for climate resilience districts (CRDs) include a project to improve air quality.
SB 1303 Third Party Labor Law Verifiers on Public Works Contracts:
This bill will ensure that if a public agency contracts with a private company to complete a public works project, and delegates the enforcement of labor compliance to a private, for profit third party, that there are safeguards to protect the integrity of the process. This will increase accountability and protect workers.
SB 1386 Sexual Assault Evidence:
This bill closes the loophole in existing Rape Shield Laws that allows the admission of the plaintiff’s history of sexual conduct (either consensual or non-consensual) as evidence to prove consent or an “absence of damages”.
SB 1390 Flood Diversion and Groundwater Recharge:
This bill builds upon the progress made in the past year to allow the diversion of flood flows for groundwater recharge by clarifying when these flows may be captured to benefit aquifers, what planning requirements are necessary for local agencies pursuing recharge and expanding reporting requirements for diversions made under existing law.
SB 1420 Clean, Renewable Hydrogen:
This bill provides a pathway for a sustainable transition to a clean energy economy, better air quality, and lower energy costs ensures California can produce hydrogen fuel to achieve its climate change goals. Additionally, this bill ensures that projects that have received funds from the federal or state government by January 1, 2032 are eligible for an expedited judicial review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and building permit streamlining.
SB 1432 Seismic Relief:
Creates a process to allow an extension of the timeline for hospitals to meet the 2030 seismic requirements, enhance disaster planning in the event of an earthquake, and create new reporting requirements to provide accountability, transparency and a viable pathway for hospitals to fulfill seismic compliance and remain open in their communities.
SB 1481 Claims against the state:
This bill is the annual appropriation for claims made against the state.
We celebrate Pride Month during the month of June. I want to remind us that not long ago, military service personnel were dishonorably discharged for being gay, losing all benefits, including healthcare, retirement, college tuition assistance and employment opportunities. The harmful policy, “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” led to the discharge of several thousand-service members; the time is now for us to right this historic wrong.
Use this link to read my full statement on a resolution that I introduced calling on Congress and the President to rectify this injustice. Thank you, President Biden for your recent announcement that you are taking action to ensure that we honor our sacred obligation to ALL veterans.
Happy July and Happy Birthday America! I hope that each of you enjoyed your holiday celebration with family and friends. The Fourth of July, also known as Independence Day, became a federal holiday in the United States in 1941, commemorating the day in 1776 when the Continental Congress approved the final wording of the Declaration of Independence. Along with the U.S Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence has secured the rights of the American people for over two centuries. America, for all of her strengths and weaknesses, beauty and flaws, remains in my opinion, the greatest nation in the world. Our strength lies in our diversity and freedom to be ourselves.
“True patriotism springs from a belief in the dignity of the individual, freedom and equality not only for Americans but for all people on earth, universal brotherhood and good will and a constant and earnest striving toward the principles and ideals on which this country was founded.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
It is always a good time whenever #TeamCaballero gets together! Thank you to the Fresno Grizzlies for the honor of throwing out the first pitch for the Fourth of July game. We had a blast!
Honored to welcome a delegation of European Union Representatives including High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell and Ambassador Jovita Neliupšienė to the California State Capitol for a discussion on California State policy and the legislative process. During our roundtable discussion, topics included California’s leadership on the world stage and our role in climate engagement and diplomacy.
The Arc of Fresno/Madera Counties is the 2024 Nonprofit of the Year for Senate District 14. The Arc of Fresno and Madera Counties provides individuals with an intellectual or developmental disability the opportunity to succeed in a supportive environment. They are an invaluable support system for families and it was my honor to recognize their work.
Daniel Banaru, Legislative Intern introducing his first Senate Resolution.
The California Latino Legislative Caucus honored the significant contributions of prominent Latino leaders in California, across all industries, who positively affect our community. I was proud to welcome my nominee, Vanessa Aguilar to recognize her Achievements in Youth Athletics.
Vanessa Aguilar is a Soledad native who played in the U-17 division of the Mexican National Soccer Team. Vanessa began at the age of eight to play soccer and has played for the Bay Area Surf and San Francisco Glens. Her talent and dedication have made her a local hero and a rising star on the international soccer stage. Vanessa’s soccer journey soared with achievements last year, including making the prestigious Gothia Cup roster through the Player Development Program, earning a spot on the ECNL U-16 first team and distinguishing herself as the top scorer for the ECNL league with Bay Area Surf.
Congratulations, Vanessa! You make us so proud.
I had a great time visiting the Merced County Fair and especially enjoyed talking with students from UC Merced!
Celebrating the reopening of Fresno Housing’s Esperanza Commons in Mendota. Esperanza Commons houses over 240 residents in the City of Mendota and is affordable housing for farm workers. Fresno Housing invested $10M in the renovation of Esperanza Commons, bringing the units up to date and modernized.
Farewell celebration for Karla Estupinian, District Chief of Staff for Madera County Supervisor, Leticia Gonzalez. Karla has been a wonderful member of the Madera County Team for over 3 1/2 years, serving her community with hard work and compassion. She will be missed, but we wish her success during the next chapter in her career.
District Representative, Joyce Dale had a great time attending Family Fish Day at Merced County Board Supervisor, Lloyd Pereira’s ranch.
Sincerest congratulations to Raj Singh Badhesha for his appointment as Judge of the Superior Court of California for the county of Fresno. Badhesha is the first Sikh-American to be appointed to the Fresno County Bench. He is a native of Selma, CA and I am sure he will serve our community well in his new position.
Everett Alvarez High School Eagles, Girls Soccer 2024 Division Champs.
Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony with Hijos Del Sol Arts Productions to celebrate their 30th anniversary and new art studio. Jose Ortiz has been a long-standing artist in Salinas and has strongly influenced local art, artists and youth. Hijos Del Sol Arts Productions creates opportunities to foster creativity and community engagement through visual and multicultural arts education, experiences and mentorship.