Senator Anna M. Caballero’s 2023-2024 Legislative Package Approved by Senate Heads to Assembly
For Immediate Release
Contact: Elisa Rivera
Elisa.Rivera@sen.ca.gov (209) 726-5495
Senator Anna M. Caballero’s 2023-2024 Legislative Package Approved by Senate Heads to Assembly
Diverse bill package authored to improve the lives of constituents in Senate District 14 and families throughout California
Sacramento- Senator Anna M. Caballero (D-Merced) successfully moves her 2023-2024 Legislative Bill Package through the Senate, now headed to the Assembly. Senator Caballero carried an aggressive legislative agenda to increase senior housing production, statewide water planning and accountability in dollars earmarked for disadvantaged students; in addition to bringing resources to meet the needs created by two disasters: the closure of Madera Community Hospital and flooding in Merced County.
2023 – 2024 Bill Package:
AB 112 Financially Distressed Hospital Emergency Loan Program: Creates an emergency loan program for closed hospitals seeking to re-open or those at risk of closure.
SB 17 Senior Housing Production: Revises the requirements of the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee’s Low-Income Housing Tax Credit to ensure that a minimum percentage of the credits allocated are for senior housing projects based on census demographic data.
SB 225 Community Anti-displacement and Preservation Program (CAPP): Creates CAPP, which creates the framework and technical assistance program within The Housing and Community Development Department to assist with the acquisition and rehabilitation of market rate units and conversion to deed-restricted affordable rental units.
SB 306 Extreme Heat: Establishes priorities and guardrails on the newly funded Direct Install Program under the Equitable Building Decarbonization Program at the California Energy Commission to ensure the most affected and vulnerable Californians are able to access the grant funding, in the most cost effective way.
SB 366 California Water for All: Revises and recasts the California Water Plan, updating its provisions to address the extreme climate impacts of the 21st century.
SB 438 Carbon Capture Clean-up: Builds upon SB 905 (Caballero) part of the 2022 climate package, which established a state framework for the implementation of Carbon Capture Removal, Utilization, and Storage (CCRUS) projects. SB 438 clarifies a provision regarding residual oil expulsion in an effort to ensure proper implementation.
SB 565 CalEITC Filing Enhancement: Improves the CalFile system for low or no income filers to expand access to tax credits like CalEITC and Young Child Tax Credit.
SB 599 Safe and Secure Visitation: Authorizes superior court locations to serve as supervised visitation and exchange locations for custodial visits, as well as clarifies in statute the possibilities for virtual or no visitation when there is apparent risk to the custodial parent and child by the restricted parent.
SB 609 Supplemental and Concentration Funds Accessibility: Would require the California Department of Education (CDE) to post links to all local control and accountability plans (LCAP) on the California School Dashboard, which is easily accessible for parents, community members, and children’s advocates.
SB 621 Reducing Prescription Drug Prices for California Patients Act: Increases patient access to certain lower-cost medications in order to reduce healthcare premiums and provide safe and effective treatment options.
SB 632 Candidate Statements: Candidates that run in an election that covers more than one county, may submit their candidate statement for approval by the Secretary of State. Once approved, that candidate statement may be shared with all county elections offices without the need for further revision.
SB 657 Geriatric training for Homeless Service Providers: Will enhance gerontological (age-related) training for homeless service providers to better prepare them to assist older adults experiencing homelessness.
SB 684 Entry-Level Homeownership Production: expedites the construction of small homeownership development projects.
SB 699 Non-Compete Agreements: Provides additional remedies to individuals impacted by employment contracts in violation of California’s long-standing policy to prohibit contracts that prevent past employees from practicing their trade, otherwise referred to as “non-compete” clauses.
SB 706 Progressive Design-Build: SB 706 will allow counties, cities, and special districts to use the Progressive Design-Build (PDB) procurement and delivery method to build infrastructure projects.
SB 711 Block chain Education Working Group: Would promote cutting-edge, high quality, and highly sought after courses and curriculum by requiring the California Community College (CCC) Chancellor’s Office, in consultation with the Academic Senate, to produce a report relating to the blockchain industry.
SB 747 Surplus Land Act Reform: Clarifies local agencies may dispose of surplus land under Economic Development Law, expands exemptions under the Surplus Land Act, and clarifies leases less than 15 years are exempt from the Surplus Land Act.
SB 753 Cannabis Water Theft Penalties: This bill will enhance the penalty punishable as a misdemeanor or felony (wobbler) if an operator of an illegal cannabis grow site is found to have stolen water, tampered with water infrastructure or dug an unpermitted well. Charges criminal penalties for the theft/diversion of water resources for illegal cannabis grows.
SB 785 Ticket Sales Consumer Protections: Enacts meaningful reforms that places consumers and entertainers first by: Imposing true ticket price transparency and full fee disclosures on all ticket sellers across all platforms. Ending the outrageous practice of speculative ticketing by imposing easily enforceable rules to reduce consumer price gouging and penalizing ticket sellers and platforms who list speculative tickets. Establishing serious penalties for the use of deceptive URLs to lure consumers into buying tickets at inflated prices. Establishing serious penalties for employing bots that allow professional scalpers to hoard tickets and engage in large-scale scalping, depriving consumers of access to face value tickets.
SB 800 Electric Aviation and Air Mobility Commission: creates the Advanced Air Mobility and Aviation Electrification Committee, to assess current federal and state law and any potential changes needed to facilitate the development of aerial electrified transportation and infrastructure in California.
SB 831 Essential Workforce and Economic Stability Act: Authorizes the governor to negotiate with the federal government to create a pilot program for undocumented agricultural workers in California to create a pathway to Permanent Residency status.
For interviews or inquiries, please contact: Elisa Rivera at 209-726-5495
Senator Anna M. Caballero represents the 14th Senate District, composed of majority portions of Merced, Fresno and Madera Counties.
* Senator Anna M. Caballero serves as the Interim Representative for the Salinas Valley and San Benito County until 2024 when a newly elected Senator will assume the district