Last week, the Assembly Judiciary Committee passed out of committee SB 1410, the Senate’s priority legislation to protect renters from evictions and provide financial relief to landlords with mortgages and maintenance bills to pay.

Yesterday, the Assembly Local Government Committee rejected Senate Bill 1385, the Neighborhood Homes Act. This bill provided local governments with the necessary tools to allow residential development on underperforming or vacant commercial retail and office space in order to eliminate blight and create much-needed housing clos to services and transportation routes.

Senate Bill 1385 The Neighborhood Homes Act authored by Senator Anna M. Caballero is part of a strategic package of legislation aimed to increase housing production. SB 1385 provides local government with the authority to approve residential development infill projects on existing commercially zoned retail and office space to accommodate critical affordable housing.

Senator Caballero applauds the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) and the American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) for its admonishment and rejection of medical misinformation coming from two Bakersfield area doctors, featured in various online videos the past few weeks.

SACRAMENTO – Today, Senator Anna M. Caballero (D – Salinas) joined with Senator Lena Gonzalez (D – Long Beach), and Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris (D – Laguna Beach) to introduce Senate Bill 1410 to create the COD-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program. The bill would authorize the California Department Housing and Community Development to administer a program that provides financial relief for California tenants that cannot pay rent because of financial hardship from the COVID-19 pandemic.

La Senadora Anna M. Caballero (D-12), Trabajando para Asegurar que Todos los Trabajadores Esenciales Tengan Equipo de Protección Personal

Miles de trabajadores agrícolas del Valle todavía están trabajando arduamente, asegurando que las familias de todo el país tengan comida en sus mesas. Pero a algunos les preocupa que corran un mayor riesgo de contraer COVID-19, debido a que viven y trabajan en lugares cerrados.

La Senadora estatal Anna Caballero dice: "Existe el temor de que puedan contraer este virus en esas situaciones de hacinamiento, tanto en el alojamiento como en los desplazamientos al trabajo, y también algunos de los entornos laborales implican que trabajen hombro con hombro en algunas máquinas".

Trish Roath is the Executive Director of the Resource Recovery Coalition of California, an organization of solid waste companies, which are providing essential services throughout Northern California. Earlier this month, Ms. Roath learned about the effort from State Senator Anna M. Caballero to collect personal protection equipment so that farm workers that put their health at risk in order to continue to feed the nation have protection from the corona virus, like other essential workers.